Here is the most straightforward melody generator circuit that you might make the utilization of an IC.The UM66 series are CMOS IC’s designed for the usage of in calling bell, cellphone and toys. It has a inbuilt ROM programmed for taking section in tune. The instrument has very low power consumption.Thanks for the CMOS technology.The melody might be available at pin3 of UM66 and here it's amplified by using the utilization of Q1 to drive the speaker.Resistor R1 restricts the base current of Q1 within the protected prices.Capacitor C1 is supposed for noise suppression.Notes
* Power provide have to be between 1.5V & 4.5V .Do no longer exceed four.5 V.
* Speaker can also be pushed with external NPN transistor.
* Melody begins from the first no longere if energy is reseted.
* Assemble the circuit on a just right quality well-liked board.
* If transistor HE8050S is simply not to be had use any NPN transistor like BC548 or 2N2222.
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