Thursday, November 20, 2014

Circuit of fire alarm detection

The rooms are vulnerable to fire as a storage material, flammable, requires a system to prevent the occurrence of a fire. For example, using a fire alarm detection, so for example occur if a flame that can quickly and others that are easily fire did not cause a fire is greater.

Here is a simple alarm circuit is based on the LDR and the lamp of a pair of smoke alarm sensors fire.The sensor works produced fire.The circuit produces an alarm when a fire smoke.


Fire alarm detector Components :

  • The speaker can be 8Ω tweeter.
  • POT R4 can be used to adjust the sensitivity of the alarm.
  • POT R3 can be used to vary the volume of the alarm.
  • Any general purpose NPN transistor (BC548, BC148, 2N222) can be used for Q1.
  • The circuit can be powered by a 9V battery or 9V DC power supply.
  • On the contrary, it is bright LED bulb 1K resistor in series on it.
Where there is smoke from the bulb will drop directly LDR.The LDR resistance is low and hence the voltage across its terminals (less than 0.6 V). The transistor is blocked and no happens.When there is enough smoke to obscure the light falls on the LDR, LDR resistance increases and the fact that the voltage across the transistor passes it.Now ON.This feeds IC1 and the output 5V.This power tone generator IC UM66 (IC2) to play music for music will be amplified by IC3 (AD 2002) to drive the speaker.

The diode D1 and D2 in combination drops to 1.4 V for the nominal voltage (3.5 V) to the UM66. UM 66 can not support more than 4V.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

USB Audio Interface based DAC PCM2902


This is the circuit quality preamplifier with built-in USB DAC for my Leachamp power amplifier. Scheme is PCM2902 datasheet. Circuit includes DAC and ADC, SPDIF input and output of HID and with 3 buttons + MUTE, VOL-and VOL.

For playback of high quality needed for external low-drop voltage stabilizer for the DAC. LP2951CM DAC is used, which was readily available in local stores. Output voltage is fixed at about 3.7 V with two resistors. Circuit board is designed with regard to the placement of good land, and the separation of digital and analog ground. These earth are connected in a single point in a USB connector.

The PCM2902 data sheet is recommended to connect a low pass filter the DAC output to filter high frequencies above audioband produced by the conversion of oversampling. Digital integrated circuits that includes LPF filter frequency above 100 kHz. In the Notes application filter on the pages of the manufacturer recommends first-order LPF (simple RC) or 2 nd order with amplifiers operating as a preamp that works well. I simple RC LPF with the recommended values ​​R and C 1k 4N7. It is best to use the scroll-type ceramic capacitor in place. I did not hear the difference in sound between the connection filter or not, but with respect to other components in an audio chain is best used. For maximum cutoff frequency that can change the capacitor value of 3n3
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Power Supply Failure Alarm

Most of the circuit power supply failure alarm circuits require additional or external power supply. However, this circuit requires no additional power supply. The circuit uses a voltage of 5 volts to 15 volts. To adjust the voltage of this circuit, first connect the power source (5 to 15V) and change the position of potentiometer VR1 until the buzzer buzzer On to Off position.
If the power supply fails, resistor R2 will bias the transistor and the base will turn on the buzzer. Here is a picture series of power supply failure alarm :
 power supply failure alarm
 Power Supply Failure Alarm  Circuit

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

20W Surround audio amplifier with SI 1020G

Have you been use the IC above? if those who have not, IC above is used or applied to the audio power amplifier. IC processing is quite good for use on amplifier home, or room. IC used is SI1020G who have not very high output with only 20W 8 ohm impedance speakers. Supply voltage ranging from 12 volt to 23 volts.

Below schematic audio amplifier with IC SI1020G
Part List
R1 = 100K
R2 = 1R
C1 = 2u2F
C2 = 100uF
C3 = 47uF
C4 = 10uF
C5 = 2200uF
C6 = 47uF
C7 = 100uF 
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Monday, November 17, 2014

Hot Water Level Indicator


Save fuel bills and the economy of the planet with this circuit. SW1 is a normally open press button switch which allows you to view the level of hot water in a hot water tank. When pressed the voltage difference at the junction of the thermistor and preset is compared to the fixed voltage on the op-amps non-inverting input. Depending on the heat of the water in the tank, the thermistors resistance will toggle the op-amp output to swing to almost full voltage supply and light the appropriate LED.

Masking tape was used to stick the bead thermistors to the tank. Wires were soldered and insulated at the thermistors ends. A plastic box was used to house the circuit. Battery life will probably be 4 to 5 years depending on how often you use the push switch, SW1.

Sensor Placement:
Thermistors NTC1-4 should be spread evenly over the height of the tank. I placed NTC1 roughly 4 inches from the top of my tank and the others were spaced evenly across the height of the hot water tank. As hot water rises the lowest sensor indicates the fullest height of hot water and should be about 8 to 10 inches from the bottom of the tank.

With a full tank of hot water adjust P1-4 so that all LEDs are lit. As hot water rises, the sensor at the bottom of the tank will be the maximum level of hot water. "Hot" can be translated as 50C to 80C the presets P1-4 allow adjustment of this range.


I have used a quad version of the LM324 but any quad opamp can be used or even four single op-amps.
R2-R5 I used 330ohm resistors, but value is not critical. Lower values give brighter LED output.
NTC1-4 The thermistors maximum resistance must roughly equal the resistance of the fixed resistor and preset. As negative temparature coefficient (NTC) thermistors are used, then their resistance decreases for increases in temperature. I used a thermistor from the Maplin Catalogue. Cold resistance was around 300K, hot resistance 15k. Alternative thermistors may be used with different resistance ranges, but the presets P1 to P4 must also be changed as well.

R7-10 series resistance, only required if your thermistors resistance is several ohms at the hottest temperature.
P1 - P4 Chosen to match the resistance of the thermistor when cold.
R1 & R6. These resistors are equal and bias the op-amp inverting input to half the supply voltage. I used 100k.
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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Automatic Water Pump Controller

Automatic water pump controller is a series of functions to control the water pump otamatis in a reservoir or water storage. As the water level sensor made with a metal plate mounted on the reservoir or water tank, with a sensor in the short to create the top level and a detection sensor for detecting long again made the lower level and ground lines connected to the bottom of reservoirs or reservoir. The series of automatic water pump controller is designed with 2 inputs NOR by 4 pieces and relay that is activated by the transistor. Automatic water pump circuit requires +12 VDC voltage source and can be used to control the water pump is connected to AC power jalringan. Here is the complete series of pictures.

Series Automatic Water Pump Controller

Sign Component Automatic Water Pump Controller
R1 = 15K
R2 = 15K
R3 = 10K
R4 = 1K
D1 = LED
D2 = 1N4148
Q1 = BC337
IC1 = 4001
SW = SPDT Switches
Relay RL1 = 12V

The working principle series of automatic water pump controller above is. At the time the water level is below both sensors, the output IC1C (pin 10) will be LOW, Kemudin when the water began to touch the lower level sensor, the output IC1C (pin10) remains LOW until the water touches the sensor level above, then the output IC1C (pin 10) going HIGH and active relay through Q1 and turn on the water pump to meguras reservoir. At the muli down and water level sensors for water untouched MKA IC1C output (pin 10) remains HIGH until the new water untouched semuasensor IC1C output (pin 10) LOW and water pump died. The series of automatic water pump controller is equipped with SW1 which serves to reverse the logic of drains (the output of IC1C) and the concept of water supplied (output dri IC1D). When SW1 is connected to IC1D the water pump will turn on when the water does not touch all the sensors and will die when all the sensors tesentuh water. Automatic water pump controller can be used to fill or drain the water according to which mode is selected via SW1.
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Parts Needed for Motion Detector Circuit

This is a circuit which can detect any motion or movement. Its most common use is to detect a person moving through an area where the motion detector can sense.

For example, the motion detector may be placed near a door, so that if any person passes through this doorway, the motion detector will be triggered.

The main electronic component we will use that allows us to pick up this detection is the PIR motion sensor. The PIR motion sensor is a sensor which detects movement through picking up infrared waves. Being that a person emits infrared waves, the detector is able to detect these waves and react, according to the how the circuit is designed to react. The sensor can also pick up the movement of inanimate objects as well, such a rolling ball, because as those objects move, friction acts on them, generating heat. This heat emits infrared radiation, which the PIR sensors may be able to detect if great enough.

In our basic circuit, when the motion detector circuit picks up movement, a red LED will flicker on. 

Parts Needed for Motion Detector Circuit
  • PIR motion sensor
  • LED
  • 470Ω Resistor
  • 6V of DC power

The PIR motion sensor is, again, a sensor which can detect movement through picking up infrared radiation. Being that people naturally give off radiation, because of our generated body heat, the motion can easily detect people walking and moving through a vicinity within the sensors range.

The motion sensor has a sensitivity range up to 20 feet (6 meters) and a 110° x 70° detection range, making it a wide lens detection sensor. This means it can measure 110° vertically (from top to bottom) and 70° horizontally (from left to right). The best way to check its sensitivity is when the circuit is built, try moving around through all of its angles. See at which angles it can detect your movement and at which angles it is not able to detect your movement, meaning your out of its angle scope. A lot of it is trial and error and experimenting. Once you know where it can and cannot detect, you can place it in an optimal place where it can detect in areas where you want it to.

The PIR motion sensor is a 3-pin device

Pin 1 is the pin which receives the positive DC voltage. The PIR motion sensor needs between 5V-9VDC of power for operation. In our case, we will use about 6V of power. This can be obtained from switching a DC power supply to 6V or using 4 AA batteries connected in series. We will then feed this voltage into pin 1 of the PIR module.

Pin 3 is the negative DC voltage or ground pin of the device. We connect the negative terminal of the power source to this pin, for a return path.

Pin 2 is the Output pin of the PIR module. This is where the output of the PIR will leave from. When motion is detected by the PIR, its output will go high to 3V. When no motion is detected, its output low and it gives off practically no voltage. When high you can see then how it can power a load, such as an LED to light. This way we can know when it has detected motion or not.

In our circuit, we will connect a 470Ω resistor in series with an LED to the output pin of the PIR sensor. When motion is detected, the output of the PIR sensor will swing high and power and light the LED.

Circuit Diagram
Here you can see anywhere from 5V-9V is fed into the power pins.

Connected to the output pin is an LED. We place a 470Ω resistor in series to limit current so that the LED doesnt receive excess current.

In this circuit, when motion is detected, the output voltage swings high and powers the LED. After about 1 second or 2, the output swings back low and the LED turns off until motion is detected again. Without any motion, the LED just stays off.
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

How to Build 12 Volt DC Fluorescent Lamp

A number of people have been unable to find the transformer needed for the Black Light project, so I looked around to see if I could find a fluorescent lamp driver that does not require any special components. I finally found one in Electronics Now. Here it is. It uses a normal 120 to 6V stepdown transformer in reverse to step 12V to about 350V to drive a lamp without the need to warm the filaments.12 Parts:C1 100uf 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C2,C3 0.01uf 25V Ceramic Disc Capacitor
C4 0.01uf 1KV Ceramic Disc Capacitor
R1 1K 1/4W Resistor
R2 2.7K 1/4W Resistor
U1 TLC555 Timer IC
T1 6V 300mA Transformer
LAMP 4W Fluorescent Lamp
MISC Board, Wire, Heatsink For Q1Notes:
  1. Q1 must be installed on a heat sink.
  2. A 240V to 10V transformer will work better then the one in the parts list. The problem is that they are hard to find.
  3. This circuit can give a nasty (but not too dangerous) shock. Be careful around the output leads.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Pump Controller For Solar Hot Water System

This circuit optimises the operation of a solar hot water system. When the water in the solar collector is hotter than the storage tank, the pump runs. The circuit comprises two LM335Z temperature sensors, a comparator and Mosfet. Sensor 1 connects to the solar collector panel while Sensor 2 connects to the hot water panel. Each sensor includes a trimpot to allow adjustment of the output level. In practice, VR1 and VR2 are adjusted so that both Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 have the same output voltage when they are at the same temperature. The Sensor outputs are monitored using comparator IC1.

When Sensor 1 produces a higher voltage than Sensor 2, which means that sensor 1 is at a higher temperature, pin 1 of IC1 goes high and drives the gate of Mosfet Q1. This in turn drives the pump motor. IC1 includes hysteresis so that the output does not oscillate when both sensors are producing a similar voltage. Hysteresis comprises the 1MO feedback resistor between output pin 1 and non-inverting input pin 3 and the input 1kO resistor. This provides a nominal 12mV hysteresis so that voltage at Sensor 1 or Sensor 2 must differ by 12mV for changes in the comparator output to occur.

Circuit diagram:

Since the outputs of Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 change by about 10mV/°C, we could say that there is a degree of hysteresis in the comparator. Note that IC1 is a dual comparator with the second unit unused. Its inputs are tied to ground and pin 2 of IC1 respectively. This sets the pin 7 output high. Since the output is an open collector, it will be at a high impedance. Mosfet Q1 is rated at 60A and 60V and is suitable for driving inductive loads due to its avalanche suppression capability. This clamps any inductively induced voltages exceeding the voltage rating of the Mosfet.

The sensors are adjusted initially with both measuring the same temperature. This can be done at room temperature; adjust the trimpots so that the voltage between ground and the positive terminal reads the same for both sensors. If you wish, the sensors can be set to 10mV/°C change with the output referred to the Kelvin scale which is 273K at 0°C. So at 25°C, the sensor output should be set to (273 + 25 = 298) x 10mV or 2.98V.Note:The sensors will produce incorrect outputs if their leads are exposed to moisture and they should be protected with some neutral cure silicone sealant. The sensors can be mounted by clamping them directly to the outside surface of the solar collector and on an uninsulated section of the storage tank. The thermostat housing is usually a good position on the storage tank.
Author: John Clarke - Copyright: Silicon Chip Electronics
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PIC12F675 and PIC12F629 datasheet

PIC12F629 and PIC12F675 are 8-Pin Flash-Based 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers. The PIC12F629 and PIC12F675 devices are identical, except the PIC12F675 has a 10-bit A/D converter. They come in 8-pin PDIP, SOIC, MLF-S and DFN packages.High-Performance RISC CPU:
 pic12f675 and pic12f629 datasheet
  • Only 35 Instructions to Learn
    • All single-cycle instructions except branches
  • Operating Speed:
    • DC – 20 MHz oscillator/clock input
    • DC – 200 ns instruction cycle
  • Interrupt Capability
  • 8-Level Deep Hardware Stack
  • Direct, Indirect, and Relative Addressing modes
PIC12F629/675 Special Microcontroller Features:
  • Internal and External Oscillator Options
  • Power-Saving Sleep mode
  • Wide Operating Voltage Range – 2.0V to 5.5V
  • Industrial and Extended Temperature Range
  • Low-Power Power-on Reset (POR)
  • Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
  • Brown-out Detect (BOD)
  • Watchdog Timer (WDT) with Independent Oscillator for Reliable Operation
  • Multiplexed MCLR/Input Pin
  • Interrupt-on-Pin Change
  • Individual Programmable Weak Pull-ups
  • Programmable Code Protection
  • High Endurance Flash/EEPROM Cell
PIC12F629/675 datasheet
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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Class AB Power Amplifier Circuit 30w Using Power Transistor


30W Class AB power amplifier circuit diagram using power transistor. Set the above amplifier up by adjust the variable resistor R1 to maximum and R12 to zero. After this set up is done, the activate / turn on the amplifier. Adjust the R1 so that the measured output offset is between 30 and 100mV. Once set, adjust the R12 slowly to achieve a quiescent current of around 120mA. Keep checking the quiescent current as the amplifier heats up as it might change due to voltage drop changes in the output devices because of the heat. The heatsinks should be 0.6K/W or less for two amplifiers.

Power supply circuit for 30W class AB power amplifier:
30W Class AB Power Amplifier Circuit 
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Simple Cheap LED flasher


This two LED flasher circuit uses any DC supply from 3V to 12V. Flash rate is controlled by R1,C1 and R2,C2. Larger values create slower fash rates, smaller values higher flash rates.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Petrol Diesel Level Sensor

This sensor is particularly suitable for use in small spaces, such as the petrol tank of a  motorbike. It has the advantage of not having any moving parts, unlike a conventional sensor with a float and float arm that make it difficult to fit in a tank.

The sensor circuit is made from standard, inexpensive components and can be put together for little money.

Petrol/Diesel Level Sensor Circuit diagram :


The operating principle is  based on  measuring  the forward volt-ages of two identical diodes (check this  first by measuring  them).  The forward voltage of a diode decreases with increasing junction temperature. lf a resistor is placed close to one of the two diodes, it will be heated slightly if it extends above the surface of the  petrol. For best results,the other diode (used for reference) should be located at the same level. lf the diodes are covered by the petrol in the tank, the heating resistor will not have any effect because it will be cooled by the petrol. An opamp compares the voltage across the two diodes, with a slightly smaller current passing through the reference diode. 

When the petrol level drops, the output of the opamp goes high and the output transistor switches on. This causes a sense resistor to be connected in parallel with the sensor output. Several sensor circuits can be used together, each with its own switched sense resistor connected in parallel with the output, and the resulting output  signal can be used to drive a meter or the like.

Using this approach, the author built a petrol tank sensors trip tank consisting of five PCBs, each fitted with two sensor circuits. With this sensor strip installed at an angle in the tank, a resolution of approximately 1.5 litre per sensor is possible. Many tanks have an electrical fitting near the bottom for connection to a lamp on the instrument panel that indicates the reserve level. The sensor strip can be used in its place. You will have to experiment a bit with the values of the sense resistors, but do not use values lower than around100 O. It is also important to fit the diodes and heater resistor in a little tube with a small opening at the bottom so that splashing petrol does not cool the heater resistor, since this would result in false readings.

The circuit should be powered from a regulated supply voltage of 5 to 6 V to prevent the heating resistors from becoming too hot. After testing everything to be sure that it works properly, its a good idea to coat the circuit board with epoxy glue to provide better protection against the petrol.

Tip: you can use the well-known 1M3914 to build a LED display with ten LEDs, which can serve as a level indicator. Several examples of suitable circuits can be found in back issues of Elektor.

Note: this sensor circuit is not suitable for use in conductive liquids.
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Simple and Mini FM Receiver

This is a very simple and mini fm radio receiver with good performances that works great even if the sensitivity is not too high. The working principle of this fm receiver may seem a little unusual. It is made of an oscillator (T2 and T3) that is synchronized with the received frequency of T1. This transistor works as a broadband preamplifier in VHF range.

Mini FM Receiver Circuit Diagram :


The oscillator is adjusted between 87 … 108 MHz with C5. Because of the synchronization, the oscillator output will have the same frequency deviation as the received signal from the fm antenna. This deviations are caused by the broadcasted audio informations. The frequency modulated signal show up on P1 + R5. Low pass filter R6/C6 extracts the audio signal and then is amplifier by T4 … T6 and transmitted at the output through C9 capacitor.

The coil details are presented in the fm receiver circuit diagram. The radio receiver is adjusted on different stations with the help of C5. P1 potentiometer is adjusted untill the best reception is obtained. If we attach an audio amplifier and a speaker then this fm receiver can be made very compact as a pocket radio.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

1997 Chevrolet Z34 Monte Carlo Diagram

Diagram for removing the headlamp assembly 1997 Chevrolet Z34 Monte Carlo  
  1. Radiator air side baffle from radiator air upper baffle.
  2. Upper fascia push-in retainer.
  3. Thumbscrews from upper headlamp.
  4. Headlamp, while pulling back fascia horn, slide headlamp inboard to disengage upper and lower outboard tabs.
  5. Electrical connectors.
  6. Headlamp from vehicle.
  7. Socket and bulb from headlamp.
More info chevrolet here
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Preamp Stage For Ceramic Phono Cartridge Or Violin Pickups

While we have published a number of variations on a standard RIAA preamplifier for magnetic phono cartridges, we have not published a preamp stage for ceramic phono cartridges. Typically, these were supplied as turnover cartridges in record changers but there were higher quality versions such as the Decca Deram. These phono cartridges are piezoelectric devices which require a very high input impedance. Similarly, violin pick-ups made by Fishman, Barcus Berry and others are piezo devices. These two circuits have been requested for a violin pickup but could equally well suit a ceramic or crystal pickup. The op amp circuit uses a TL071 connected as a voltage-follower. It can run from a battery supply of ±9V.

Circuit diagram:


The alternative transistor circuit uses a BC549 connected as an emitter-follower but with bootstrapping of the input bias network to provide a high input impedance. Both circuits have input coupling capacitors but since the transducers are capacitive (ie, piezo) they could possibly be omitted. Both circuits will probably need to be followed by further gain, depending on the output level. For a violin pickup, a parametric equaliser is also recommended, and for this we would suggest the 3-band parametric equaliser published in the July 1996 issue of SILICON CHIP. With a slight change to the feedback of the first op amp in this circuit, the extra gain required could also be provided.

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Monday, November 3, 2014

2N2907A datasheet

•   High current (max.600mA) 
•   Low voltage (max.60V) 
 •  Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant(Note 1) ("P" Suffix designates RoHS Compliant.  See ordering information) 

The 2N2905A and 2N2907A are silicon Planar Epitaxial PNP transistors in Jedec TO-39 (for 2N2905A) and in Jedec TO-18 (for 2N2907A)
metal case. They are designed for high speed saturated switching and general purpose applications.

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Sunday, November 2, 2014



It is a charge pump design. This is where a capacitor (electrolytic) is allowed to charge and is then raised higher and allowed to discharge into a load. The load sees a voltage that can be higher than the supply.
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ic 555 Infra red Light Barrier Diagram Circuit

This is a short-range light barrier for use as an intruder alarm in doorposts, etc. The 555 in the transmitter (Figure 1) oscillates at about 4.5 kHz, supplying pulses with a duty cycle of about 13% to keep power consumption within reason. Just about any infra-red LED (also called IRED) may be used. Suggested, commonly available types are the LD271 and SFH485. The exact pulse frequency is adjusted with preset P1. The LEDs are pulsed at a peak current of about 100 mA, determined by the 47 Ω series resistor. In the receiver (Figure 2), the maximum sensitivity of photo-diode D2 should occur at the wavelength of the IR LEDs used in the transmitter. You should be okay if you use an SFH205F, BPW34 or BP104. Note that the photo-diode is connected reverse-biased! So, if you measure about 0.45 V across this device, it is almost certainly fitted the wrong way around.

transmitterThe received pulses are first amplified by T1 and T2. Next comes a PLL (phase lock loop) built with the reverenced NE567 (or LM567). The PLL chip pulls its output, pin 8, Low when it is locked onto the 4.5 kHz ‘tone’ received from the transmitter. When the (normally invisible) light beam is interrupted (for example, by someone walking into the room), the received signal disappears and IC1 will pull its output pin High. This enables oscillator IC2 in the receiver, and an audible alarm is produced. The two-transistor amplifier in the receiver is purposely over-driven to some extent to ensure that the duty cycle of the output pulses is roughly 50%.

ReceiverIf the transmitter is too far away from the receiver, over-driving will no longer be guaranteed, hence IC1 will not be enabled by an alarm condition. If you want to get the most out of the circuit in respect of distance covered, start by modifying the value of R2 until the amplifier output signal again has a duty cycle of about 50%. The circuit is simple to adjust. Switch on the receiver, the buzzer should sound. Then switch on the transmitter. Point the transmitter LEDs to the receiver input. Use a relatively small distance, say, 30 cm. Adjust P1 on the transmitter until the buzzer is silenced. Switch the receiver off and on again a few times to make sure it locks onto the transmitter carrier under all circumstances. If necessary, re-adjust P1, slowly increasing the distance between the transmitter and the receive
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Friday, October 31, 2014

Project of UltraSonic Radar Circuit Diagram

Simple and easy most liked project with many practical applications in security and alarm systems for homes, shops and cars. It consists of a set of ultrasonic receiver and transmitter which operate at the same frequency. When something moves in the area covered by the delicate circuit circuit balance is disturbed and the alarm is activated. The circuit is very sensitive and can be set to zero automatically or to stay on until manually reset after an alarm.

Technical Specifications - Characteristics
Working voltage: 12V DC
Current: 30 mA

How it Works
As it has already been stated the circuit consists of an ultrasonic transmitter and a receiver both of which work at the same frequency. They use ultrasonic piezoelectric transducers as output and input devices respectively and their frequency of operation is determined by the particular devices in use.

The transmitter is built around two NAND gates of the four found in IC3 which are used here wired as inverters and in the particular circuit they form a multivibrator the output of which drives the transducer. The trimmer P2 adjusts the output frequency of the transmitter and for greater efficiency it should be made the same as the frequency of resonance of the transducers in use. The receiver similarly uses a transducer to receive the signals that are reflected back to it the output of which is amplified by the transistor TR3, and IC1 which is a 741 op-amp. The output of IC1 is taken to the non inverting input of IC2 the amplification factor of which is adjusted by means of P1. The circuit is adjusted in such a way as to stay in balance as long the same as the output frequency of the transmitter. If there is some movement in the area covered by the ultrasonic emission the signal

that is reflected back to the receiver becomes distorted and the circuit is thrown out of balance. The output of IC2 changes abruptly and the Schmitt trigger circuit which is built around the remaining two gates in IC3 is triggered. This drives the output transistors TR1,2 which in turn give a signal to the alarm system or if there is a relay connected to the circuit, in series with the collector of TR1, it becomes activated. The circuit works from 9-12 VDC and can be used with batteries or a power supply.

Ultra Sonic Radar Circuit diagram


First of all let us consider a few basics in building electronic circuits on a printed circuit board. The board is made of a thin insulating material clad with a thin layer of conductive copper that is shaped in such a way as to form the necessary conductors between the various components of the circuit. The use of a properly designed printed circuit board is very desirable as it speeds construction up considerably and reduces the possibility of making errors. Smart Kit boards also come pre-drilled and with the outline of the components and their identification printed on the component side to make construction easier.

To protect the board during storage from oxidation and assure it gets to you in perfect condition the copper is tinned during manufacturing and covered with a special varnish that protects it from getting oxidised and also makes soldering easier. Soldering the components to the board is the only way to build your circuit and from the way you do it depends greatly your success or failure. This work is not very difficult and if you stick to a few rules you should have no problems. The soldering iron that you use must be light and its power should not exceed the 25 Watts. The tip should be fine and must be kept clean at all times.

For this purpose come very handy specially made sponges that are kept wet and from time to time you can wipe the hot tip on them to remove all the residues that tend to accumulate on it. DO NOT file or sandpaper a dirty or worn out tip. If the tip cannot be cleaned, replace it. There are many different types of solder in the market and you should choose a good quality one that contains the necessary flux in its core, to assure a perfect joint every time. DO NOT use soldering flux apart from that which is already included in your solder. Too much flux can cause many problems and is one of the main causes of circuit malfunction. If nevertheless you have to use extra flux, as it is the case when you have to tin copper wires, clean it very thoroughly after you finish your work. In order to solder a component correctly you should do the following:
@Clean the component leads with a small piece of emery paper.

@Bend them at the correct distance from the component’s body and insert the component in its place on the board.

@You may find sometimes a component with heavier gauge leads than usual, that are too thick to enter in the holes of the p.c. board.

@In this case use a mini drill to enlarge the holes slightly. Do not make the holes too large as this is going to make soldering difficult afterwards.

@Take the hot iron and place its tip on the component lead while holding the end of the solder wire at the point where the lead emerges from the board. The iron tip must touch the lead slightly above the p.c. board.

@When the solder starts to melt and flow wait till it covers evenly the area around the hole and the flux boils and gets out from underneath the solder. The whole operation should not take more than 5 seconds. Remove the iron and allow the solder to cool naturally without blowing on it or moving the component. If everything was done properly the surface of the joint must have a bright metallic finish and its edges should be smoothly ended on the component lead and the board track. If the solder looks dull, cracked,or has the shape of a blob then you have made a dry joint and you should remove the solder (with a pump, or a solder wick) and redo it.
@Take care not to overheat the tracks as it is very easy to lift them from the board and break them.

@When you are soldering a sensitive component it is good practice to hold the lead from the component side of the board with a pair of long-nose pliers to divert any heat that could possibly damage the component.

@Make sure that you do not use more solder than it is necessary as you are running the risk of short-circuiting adjacent tracks on the board, especially if they are very close together.

@When you finish your work cut off the excess of the component leads and clean the board thoroughly with a suitable solvent to remove all flux residues that may still remain on it.

@There are quite a few components in the circuit and you should be careful to avoid mistakes that will be difficult to trace and repair afterwards. Solder first the pins and the IC sockets and then following if that is possible the parts list the resistors the trimmers and the capacitors paying particular attention to the correct orientation of the electrolytic.

@Solder then the transistors and the diodes taking care not to overheat them during soldering. The transducers should be positioned in such a way as they do not affect each other directly because this will reduce the efficiency of the circuit. When you finish soldering, check your work to make sure that you have done everything properly, and then insert the IC’s in their sockets paying attention to their correct orientation and handling IC3 with great care as it is of the CMOS type and can be damaged quite easily by static discharges. Do not take it out of its aluminium foil wrapper till it is time to insert it in its socket, ground the board and your body to discharge static electricity and then insert the IC carefully in its socket. In the kit you will find a LED and a resistor of 560 — which will help you to make the necessary adjustments to the circuit. Connect the resistor in series with the LED and then connect them between point 9 of the circuit and the positive supply rail (point 1).

Connect the power supply across points 1 (+) and 2 (-) of the p.c. board and put P1 at roughly its middle position. Turn then P2 slowly till the LED lights when you move your fingers slightly in front of the transducers. If you have a frequency counter then you can make a much more accurate adjustment of the circuit. Connect the frequency counter across the transducer and adjust P2 till the frequency of the oscillator is exactly the same as the resonant frequency of the transducer. Adjust then P1 for maximum sensitivity. Connecting together pins 7 & 8 on the p.c. board will make the circuit to stay triggered till it is manually reset after an alarm. This can be very useful if you want to know that there was an attempt to enter in the place which are protected by the radar.

This kit does not need any adjustments, if you follow the building instructions.

If they are used as part of a larger assembly and any damage is caused, our company bears no responsibility.
While using electrical parts, handle power supply and equipment with great care, following safety standards as described by international specs and regulations.

If it does not work
Check your work for possible dry joints, bridges across adjacent tracks or soldering flux residues that usually cause problems. Check again all the external connections to and from the circuit to see if there is a mistake there.

See that there are no components missing or inserted in the wrong places.
Make sure that all the polarised components have been soldered the right way round. Make sure that the supply has the correct voltage and is connected the right way round to your circuit. Check your project for faulty or damaged components.

If everything checks and your project still fails to work, please contact your retailer and the Smart Kit Service will repair it for you.

R1 180 KOhm
R2 12 KOhm
R3, 8 47 KOhm
R4 3,9 KOhm
R5, 6, 16 10 KOhm
R7, 10, 12, 14, 17 100 KΩ
R9, 11 1 MOhm
R13, 15 3,3 KOhm
C1, C6 10uF/16V
C2 47uF/16V
C3 4,7 pF
C4, C7 1 nF
C5 10nF
C8, C11 4,7 uF/16V
C9 22uF/16V
C10 100 nF
C12 2,2 uF/16V
C13 3,3nF
C14 47nF
TR1, 2, 3 BC547 , BC548
P1 10 KOhm trimmer
P2 47 KOhm trimmer
IC1, 2 741 OP-AMP
IC3 4093 C-MOS
D1, 2, 3, 4 1N4148

Author:smartkit,Sourced by
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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Lighting Up Model Aircraft Circuit Diagram

Lighting Up Model Aircraft Circuit diagram :

Lighting Up Model Aircraft Circuit Diagram

All signals are generated by a 4060 14-stage binary counter and some minimal output selection logic. Cycle time is determined by the way the internal oscillator is con-figured (resistor and capacitor on pins 9/10) and can be varied within quite broad limits. High-efficiency LEDs are your first choice for the indicators connected to the Bea-con and Strobe outputs (remember to fit series resistors appropriate to the operating voltage Ub and the current specified for the LED used). 

The sample circuit is for operating voltages between 5 and 12 V. Cur- rent flow through the two BS170 FET devices must not exceed 500 mA.

Author : Werner Ludwig
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using L200 Battery Charger Circuit Diagram

This is a simple circuit using L200 Battery Charger Circuit Diagram. A very simple battery charger circuit having reverse polarity indication is shown here.The circuit is based on IC L200 . L200 is a five pin variable voltage voltage regulator IC. The charging circuit can be fed by the DC voltage from a bridge rectifier or center tapped rectifier.Here the IC L200 keeps the charging voltage constant.The charging current is controlled by the parallel combination of the resistors R2 & R3.The POT P1 can be used to adjust the charging current.

 Battery charger circuit using L200 With Parts list


This circuit is designed to charge a 12 V lead acid battery.The transistor t1,diode D3 and LED are used to make a battery reverse indicator.In case the battery is connected in reverse polarity ,the reverse polarity indicator red LED D5 glows.When the charging process is going on the battery charging indicator green LED D4 glows.

The circuit can be assembled on a good quality PCB or common board.
The values of R2 & R3 can be obtained from the equation,
(R2//R3) =( V5-2)/(Io).
Where V5 is  the charging voltage (voltage at pin 5) and Io is the charging current.
The POT R8 can be used for fine adjustments of charging current.
If battery is connected in reverse polarity the RED LED will glow.
When the  charging is going on the GREEN LED will glow.
The rectified input voltage to the charger can be 18V.

Sourced By: Circuitsstream
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Low Cost Universal Battery Charger Schematic

This is the circuit diagram of a low cost universal charger for NiCD - NiMH batteries. This circuit is Ideal for car use. It has ability to transform a mains adapter in to a charger . This one can be used to charge cellular phone, toys, portables, video batteries, MP3 players, ... and has selectable charge current. An LED is located in circuit to indicate charging. Can be built on a general purpose PCB or a veroboard. I hope you really like it.

Picture of the circuit:

 A Low Cost Universal Charger Circuit Schematic
Circuit diagram:
A Low Cost Universal Charger Circuit Diagram

R1 = 120R-0...5W
R2 = See Diagram
C1 = 220uF-35V
D1 = 1N4007
D2 = 3mm. LED
Q1 = BD135
J1 = DC Input Socket
  • Ideal for in car use.
  • LED charge indication.
  • Selectable charge current.
  • Charges Ni Cd or NiMH batteries.
  • Transforms a mains adapter into a charger.
  • Charge cellular phone, toys, portables, video batteries …
  • LED function indication.
  • Power supply polarity protected.
  • Supply current: same as charge current.
  • Supply voltage: from 6.5VDC to 21VDC (depending on used battery)
  • Charge current (±20%): 50mA, 100mA, 200mA, 300mA, 400mA. (selectable)
Determining the supply voltage:
This table indicates the minimum and maximum voltages to supply the charger. See supply voltage selection chart below.
To charge a 6V battery a minimum supply voltage of 12V is needed, the maximum voltage is then 15V.
Voltage selection:

Voltage Selection Chart For Low Cost Universal Battery Charger

Determining the charge current:
Before building the circuit, you must determinate how much current will be used to charge the battery or battery pack. It is advisable to charge the battery with a current that is 10 times smaller then the battery capacity, and to charge it for about 15 hours. If you double the charge current , then you can charge the battery in half the time. Charge current selection chart is located in diagram.

A battery pack of 6V / 1000mAh can be charged with 100mA during 15 hours. If you want to charge faster, then a charge current of 200mA can be used for about 7 hours.
The higher charge current, the more critical the charge time must be checked. When faster charging is used, it is advisable to discharge the battery completely before charging. Using a charge current of 1/10 of the capacity will expand the lifetime of the battery. The charge time can easily be doubled without damaging the battery.
  • Mount the transistor together with the heatsink on the PCB, bend the leads as necessary. Take care that the metal back of the transistor touches the heatsink. Check that the leads of the transistor do not touch the heatsink.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

TDA7383 35W Car Quad Audio Amplifier diagram

The following a 4 x 35 watts channels/quad audio power amplifier circuit based IC TDA7383. The amplifier circuit is designed specifically suitable for car audio system applications. With a fairly large output power per channel, low distortion and low output noise features. Heatsink should be installed on the power IC to avoid excessive heat. There are very simple and easy to build cos only a few additional components outside the IC power.

Circuit  4 x 35W Car Audio Amplifier TDA7383

IC TDA7383 is a new technology class AB Audio Power Amplifier in Flexiwatt 25 package designed for high end car radio applications. Thanks to the fully complementary PNP/NPN output configuration the TDA7383 allows a rail to rail output voltage swing with no need of bootstrap capacitors. The extremely reduced components count allows very compact sets. The on-board clipping detector simplifies gain compression operations. The fault diagnostics makes it possible to detect mistakes during Car- Radio assembly and wiring in the car.

Absolute Maximum Ratings of IC TDA7383
Operating Supply Voltage : 18 V
DC Supply Voltage : 28 V
Peak Supply Voltage (t = 50ms) : 50 V
Output Peak Current Repetitive (Duty Cycle 10% at f = 10Hz): 4.5 A
Output Peak Current Non Repetitive (t = 100µs) : 5.5 A
Power dissipation, (Tcase = 70°C) : 80 W
Junction Temperature : 150 °C
Storage Temperature : – 55 to 150 °C
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Shift registers 74LS164

This is a TTL shift registers they use voltage source when using the 3V-5V. And it is often used along with the support of the NE555 oscillator in the lab. Image simulation.

How it works: we only need to change in logic value at pin 1 of the  74LS164  is running you will see a change in the value of the led out.

P / S:  Do we only have one class hour his practice should only do this to support you. Wish you have a practice test session to achieve good results.
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Know the Line Follower Robot

Line Follower Robot Glance - Line Follower Robot- a kind of robot which included into the category robotmobile are designed to work in an autonomous and have the ability to detect and move to follow (follows) the existing line on the surface. Control system used is designed to feel that there are pathways of movement and maneuver in order to remain able to follow that line. Robots of this type quite a lot of interest for those who are just learning to robot technology. Even competitions Line Follower Robot, often held regularly at various universities .In industry, robots of this type is often used to to move goods from one place to another. By modifying slightly the sensor line follower robot can then be developed into a Wall Follower Robot, a robot that can move around the wall.

Sensor On Line Follower Robot Sensors, can be analogous to the eye of a robot that serves to read the black line of the track robot. So that the robot is able to know when he will turn right, when he turned left and when he stopped. The sensor used is a light sensor mounted below the front of the robot, so as to find a bright line of a dark background or vice versa. Sensors used are usually photo reflector, R LD (Light Dependent Resistor), Photo Diodes and Photo Transistor - mounted on the front two or more under robotline follower. There also are using the camera as a sensor (or image sensor) to a higher-resolution readout line, making more accurate robot motion.

The working principle of the sensor is simple, when the transmitter (infrared) emitting light onto a white field, the light will be reflected almost entirely by the white areas. In contrast, Itter m ans when emit light to dark or black areas, then the light will be absorbed by the dark areas, so that incoming light kereceiver low. To be able to read by the microcontroller, the sensor voltage should be adjusted to TTL voltage level that is 0-1 volts for logic 0 and 3-5 volts for logic 1. This can be done by installing the operational amplifier is used as a comparator.
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Simple Inverter with Two Transistors

The series below is a simple inverter circuit that will change the voltage of 12v dc to 220v ac, with use drive transistor 32 as its tip.  Inverter circuit is very simple and easy to assemble and is perfect for just starting to learn to assemble electronic circuits, you can use the transformer 2A to produce about 20 watts output. Do not forget to install coolers in its transistors. good luck.
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ADC 0804 Microcontroler Interface Engineering

Microcontroller Interface Engineering With ADC 0804
In ADC 0804 interface techniques with microcontrollers are pin-pin control must be controlled if we want to use the ADC with the microcontroller, there is value addition refferensi voltage to be supplied in 0804 ADC interface with a microcontroller, for example, we use the 0804 ADC (8 bit), if we give refferensi voltage 2.55 volts then we will get the increase of 1 bit to change 10 mVolt. Please note that the 0804 ADC pin on the leg that is form Vref Vref / 2, so to get a 10mV resolution is necessary for setting Vref / 2 equal to 1.275 V
The interface circuit microcontroller with ADC 0804

Mechanical interface microcontroller with ADC 0804
The steps in accessing data from the ADC 0804 by the microcontroller sebgai follows;

Enable ADC with signal 0 at the foot of Chip Select.
Give commands from conversion by providing a low pulse to the foot of the ADC Write narrow
Wait for the ADC issued a signal 0 from his leg INT
Give a moment of time delay for data from the ADC is correct
Give the read command by giving the signal 0 at the foot of ADC Read
Give a moment of time delay
Now data from the ADC is ready for use and if the microcontroller.
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Saturday, October 18, 2014

MJ2955 78XX Increasing Regulator Current circuit and explanation


Although the 78xx series of voltage regulators are available with different current outputs, you can boost
the available current output with this circuit. A power transistor is used to supply extra current to the load
the regulator, maintaining a constant voltage. Currents up to 650mA will flow through the regulator, above
this value and the power transistor will start to conduct, supplying the extra current to the load. This should
be on an adequate heat sink as it is likely to get rather hot. Suppose you use a 12v regulator, 7812. The
input voltage should be a few volts higher to allow for voltage drops. Assume 20 volts. Lets also assume
that the load will draw 5amps. The power dissipation in the transistor will be Vce * Ic or (20-12)*8=40watt.
It may keep you warm in the Winter, but you will need a large heatsink with good thermal dissipation.
If you want to increase the output current with a negative regulator, such as the 79xx series, then the circuit
is similar, but an NPN type power transistor is used instead.

Source ::
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Friday, October 17, 2014

25L6 Amplifier

25L6 Amplifier Schematic

25L6 Amplifier
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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Simple Power Pulse Using by LM350 and NE555 Circuit Diagram

This is a Simple Power Pulse Using by LM350 and NE555 Circuit Diagram. This circuit can use to drive lamp,power LED,DC motor etc. Adjust R5 for output amplitude.Adjust R1 for output power .

Power Pulse Circuit Diagram

The LM350 is adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulators is capable of supplying in excess of 3A over a 1.2V to 33V output range.This circuit requires 5-15V power supply.
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12V to 120V DC DC Converter Circuit


12V to 120V DC DC Converter Circuit

Here is a simple DC DC converter schematic using a saturation-limited to push-pull converter. DC converter can be used to power the VCR from a car battery and glow plug light aircraft models from a 12V battery starter.

As a final amplifier of the DC DC converter is a pair of transistor MJE2955 and 2SC945 as oscillator to apply sufficient bias to the final amplifier transistors.

The 2SC945 is a bias switch for startup. When applying 12V power, this transistor applies enough bias to the power transistors to get the oscillation started. Soon later, the 100uF capacitor charges up, the transistor goes off, and the power transistors self-bias into cut-off, such that cross-conduction is eliminated. After removing power, the 6k8 resistor discharges the bias timing capacitor, as otherwise the circuit would be unable to restart!

The secondary rectifiers are ultrafast diodes. These are NOT 1N4007! And the 220nF capacitors for the secondary filter are no typos; the diodes deliver almost pure DC, since the oscillation waveform is square, so only some noise filtering is needed. No electrolytics are necessary here.


DC DC Converter

Note the filters at both input and output, using ferrite cores. These are necessary to avoid polluting your environment with RF noise! Using these filters, and joining the input and output negative leads, this converter is very quiet and does not cause any problem in my combined HF, VHF and UHF station.

All ferrite cores (for the transformer and for the noise filters) are manufactured by Amidon Associates, and can be ordered directly from them in small quantities. Look for Amidon on the web. The 77-material core used for the transformer is less than ideal. A square-loop ferrite would work more efficiently! This one gets really warm, operating in saturation mode at 25 kHz. But it has worked well enough for two years now. The filter cores, on the other hand, are well chosen, so try to use the exact ones.

For all windings, the schematic states the number of turns. “7t” means 7 turns. As the transformer is quite small for the involved power, use as thick a wire as you can fit, leaving about half of the space for the 2×7 turns primary winding, and the other half for the secondary, while the feedback winding can be made from very thin wire.

The transistors do not need any heat sinks. They are large enough without, and they need to dissipate little heat!

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Build a Fly back Transformer Driver Circuit Diagram

This is an efficient flyback driver for modern cylindrical rectified television flybacks. Many sites doesnt provide circuits driving these transformers, they simply say that they are bad.

I dont agree. In fact I built this circuit. I spent a lot of time for finding resonant frequency (around 15Khz) and duty cycle. These transformers best work at around 90% duty cycle. You may notice corona breakdown at terminals and pfffff sound (as well as the ozone smell) when adjusting the off time trimmer to near 500-300 ohms. Of course it will work for other tipes of flyback as frequency and duty cycle have a large range.

 Flyback Transformer Driver Circuit Diagram


Frequency range can be increased using multiposition switch for other values of C3 capacitor ,for example 2 nF for 80KHz-200000KHz, but didnt found flybacks with so high resonant frequencies, in addition with higher values of c3 , eg 200nF, 2uF the
frequency will drop making possible the use of ignition coils, and rectified power transformers @50Hz to charge high voltage electrolitic caps at 300-400V). Unfortunately my ignition coil died because insulation breakdown (too long drawn arcs)...
I was able to power a small (20cm) Spark Gap tesla coil Using these dc rectified flybacks to charge primary tank capacitor.
The operation is simple
The 555 is wired as an astable and the capacitor is charged only through the 4,7Kohm trimmer (notice the diode) and discharged only through the 2.2 Kohm trimmer, making the duty cycle full adjustable. The square wave is then feed in a totem pole made up of a 2N3904 and a 2N3906, which are cheap, and easy to find. The totem pole ensures the gate being charged and discharged very fast (approx 50nS i think). The IRF840 is a cheap (i found it for 4euros) reliable and powerful power mosfet, it has current capability of 8 A continuous and 32A pulse, 800V drain source voltage, protecting internal zener diode. There is a snubbing network to ensure that voltage spikes are kept low (unless the insulation of the transformer start to leak) protecting both transistors and 555 IC. 100 ohm is a compromise between decay time and voltage spike.
Comments and specifications:
The 100 ohm snubber must me a 5W resistor, or it will burn at long operations
The led is only for safety purposes
Use a dead man switch (pushbutton) for safety
The power supply must supply at least 2-3 A if you want decent arcs (20000 KV)
The flyback driven in this way can supply a significant current, aldough the heart fibrillation starts at 30mA
I recommend caution to avoid painful arc-burns.
The arc is a hot plasma, never operate the circuit in presence of flammable substances.
Charging high voltage capacitors is a serious life threat, so if you arent unexperienced just draw arcs and no more

This device when rectified generates static voltage that can be a little annoying.... (or fun, i sprayed with corona a plastic pen from positive terminal and then i was able to attract little pieces of paper)
I dont assume any responsibility of the damages or discruptions dove by this device, to persons or things. Any irresponsable action would be a serios danger. This is high voltage threat it with respect.

author: Jonathan Filippi
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Monday, October 13, 2014

An Alternative Pixie Known as The AP 80




The project is an improved design of the Pixie which originally consists of an LM386 audio amp and just two transistors.


The design of the circuit is very straightforward although it looks like complicated. A Colpitts crystal oscillator is the start of the circuit which uses a trimmer cap and 2N7000FET to provide a 600Hz frequency shift by adjusting the trimmer cap. Using a real mixer is the only way to fix the deficiencies of the Pixie. The transmitter low pass filter and receiver input is coupled with a classic series tuned C/L with diode limiting. The lower impedance input from the QSK network is coupled with the receiver input tuned circuit high impedance.

The transmitter is powered by 12V 1W supply as it consists of a 2N2222A buffer amp and a 2N7000. The Ac signal is kept coupled to the gate by the diode across the 2N7000 base. A PNP 2N3906 is added to the circuit to provide standard active low keying.

The receiver offset is the most critical adjustment which uses the C25 trimmer for control. The Rx inout trimmer is adjusted for best signal by attaching an antenna.

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Muscular Bio Stimulator Circuit Diagram



R1______________10M 1/4W Resistor
R2,R3,R4_______100K 1/4W Resistors
R5,R7___________10K 1/4W Resistors
R6_______________1K 1/4W Resistor

C1,C2___________22pF 63V Ceramic Capacitors (See Notes)
C3______________22µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C4,C5__________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C6_______________1µF 63V Polyester, Multilayer Ceramic or Electrolytic Capacitor

IC1____________4060 14 stage ripple counter and oscillator CMos IC
IC2____________4040 12 stage ripple counter CMos IC
IC3____________4082 Dual 4 input AND gate CMos IC
IC4____________4075 Triple 3 input OR gate CMos IC
IC5____________4520 Dual binary up-counter CMos IC
IC6____________4001 Quad 2 input NOR Gate CMos IC

D1_____________5 or 10mm red LED

XTAL_________32.768 kHz Sub-miniature Watch crystal

P1_____________SPST Pushbutton
SW1____________2 poles 6 ways Rotary Switch
SW2____________SPST Toggle or Slide Switch

B1_______________9V PP3 Battery

Clip for PP3 Battery

Alternative Clock Parts:

R8_______________1K 1/4W Resistor
R9_____________330K 1/4W Resistor
R10_____________20K 1/2W Cermet or Carbon Trimmer
R11______________1K 1/2W Cermet or Carbon Trimmer

C7_______________1µF 63V Polyester Capacitor

IC7____________7555 or TS555CN CMos Timer IC

Circuit purpose:

A Pills Reminder is a device that operates a flashing LED (and/or a beeper) at a fixed hour interval. A choice of time-intervals as wide as possible is available with this circuit, namely 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 and 48 hours.

Operation Mode:

At first you must choose the hour interval by switching SW1 to the desired value, then apply power by means of SW2.
After the hour delay chosen has elapsed the LED will start flashing at 2Hz, i.e. two times per second. This status will last until pushbutton P1 is pressed: then the LED will turn off, but the circuit will continue its counting and the LED will flash again when the same hour interval as before is reached.
A noteworthy feature of this circuit, usually not found in similar devices, is that the internal counter is not reset when P1 is pressed: this allows a better time-interval precision.
Let us explain this feature with an example: suppose you have set the time interval to 24 hours and started the Pills Reminder at 8 oclock. Next day, at 8 oclock the LED will start flashing, but you, for some reason, notice the flashes at 8:10 and press P1 to stop the LED. With most devices of this kind, the counter will be reset, causing the LED to start flashing next day at 8:10 oclock.
This will not happen with this circuit and the LED will start flashing next day always precisely at 8 oclock even if you pressed P1 at 9 or 10 oclock.

Circuit Operation:

The clock of the circuit is made of a stable oscillator built around two inverters embedded into IC1 and a Watch crystal oscillating at 32.768kHz. This frequency is divided by 16384 by the internal flip-flop chain of IC1 and a 2Hz very stable clock frequency is available at pin #3 of this IC.
IC2 counter and IC3A 4 input AND gate are wired in order to divide by 3600 the 2Hz clock, therefore, a pulse every 30 minutes is available at the clock input of IC5.
The division factor of this IC is controlled by IC3B and the position of SW1A and B, selecting from six time-intervals fixed to 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 and 48 hours.
The set-reset flip-flop formed by IC6B and IC6C is set through IC4C each time a low to high transition is present at the pin of IC5 selected by SW1B cursor. IC6A and C4 provide to set the flip-flop also when a high to low transition is present at SW1B cursor.
When the flip-flop is set, IC6D is enabled and the 2Hz frequency available at pin #3 of IC1 is applied to pin #13 of IC6D causing the flashing LED operation. The flip-flop can then be reset by means of P1.
A master reset is automatically done at switch on by means of C6 and R7.

Alternative Clock:

Sometimes, the Watch crystal can be difficult to locate, or could be considered too expensive. For those willing to avoid the use of a Watch crystal and to accept less time accuracy, an alternative clock generator circuit is provided, directly oscillating at 2Hz, thus avoiding the use of divider ICs.
A CMos 7555 Timer IC generates a stable 2Hz square wave, whose frequency must be accurately set by means of two trimmers. R10 must be adjusted first for coarse tuning, then R11 for fine tuning.
Setting precisely the 2Hz frequency of this oscillator is a rather difficult task, and can be done with great patience and the aid of a clock, a chronometer or, best, a digital frequency meter capable of measuring very low frequencies.
In any case, after an accurate setup, this oscillator showed a very stable performance, not affected by battery voltage variations and an accuracy of about ±30 seconds per 24 hours interval.


  • Wanting the utmost time precision and if a digital frequency meter is available, a 5-50pF 50V Ceramic Trimmer Capacitor can be used in place of C2. It must be adjusted in order to read exactly 32.768kHz on the meter display with the input probe connected to pin #9 of IC1.
  • A Piezo sounder (incorporating a 3KHz oscillator) can be added to provide a visual plus audible alert. It must be wired across pin #11 of IC6D and negative ground, respecting polarities. Remove D1 and R6 if the visual alert is not needed.
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Supply Voltage Indicator circuit and explanation

A novel supply voltage monitor which uses a LED to show the status of a power supply.

This simple and slightly odd circuit can clearly show the level of the supply voltage (in a larger device): as long as the indicator has good 12 volts at its input, LED1 gives steady, uninterrupted (for the naked eye) yellow light. If the input voltage falls below 11 V, LED1 will start to blink and the blinking will just get slower and slower if the voltage drops further - giving very clear and intuitive representation of the supplys status. The blinking will stop and LED1 will finally go out at a little below 9 volts. On the other hand, if the input voltage rises to 13 V, LED2 will start to glow, getting at almost full power at 14 V.

The characteristic voltages can be adjusted primarily by adjusting the values of R1 and R4.

The base-emitter diode of T2 basically just stands in for a zener diode. The emitter-collector path of T1 is inversely polarized and if the input voltage is high enough - T1 will cause oscillations and the frequency will be proportional to the input voltage. The relaxation oscillator ceases cycling when the input voltage gets so low that it no longer can cause breakdown along the emitter-collector path.

Not all small NPN transistors show this kind of behavior when inversely polarized in a similar manner, but many do. BC337-40 can start oscillations at a relatively low voltage, other types generally require a volt or two more. If experimenting, be careful not to punch a hole through the device under test: they oscillate at 9-12 V or not at all.
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